Mathilde May
Anak-Anak (2)

Hasil: 1 - 2 dari 2
Soft Cover, Juni 2015
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The little birdies wait… and wait… and wait… Every morning, Grandpa sends them rain. But today, there is no rain! Where is Grandpa? What has happened to him? Can Reddo, Yello, Bluey and Greeny find Grandpa? Join the four birdies in this 3-in-1 storybook, because every day is an exciting new adventure! Burung-burung kecil menunggu… dan menunggu… dan menunggu… Setiap pagi, Kakek mengirimkan hujan untuk mereka. Tetapi hari ini tidak ada hujan! Di mana ...
Soft Cover, Oktober 2013
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Let’s enter the world of Korean classic tales! This is where you’ll meet Princess Pyong Kang who helped turn a beggar into a brave warrior, the two brothers who loved each other dearly and the couple who found a magical fountain. Don’t forget to get to know the wise rabbit and the naughty frog too! Ayo masuki dunia penuh kisah klasik Korea! Di sini kau akan bertemu Putri Pyong Kang yang membantu mengubah pengemis menjadi pejuang berani, dua saudara ...