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Hasil: 1 - 20 dari 37
Wow! Ensiklopedia 4D: Dunia Hewan oleh Devar Entertainment
Soft Cover, Januari 2021 Rp. 82.000 Rp. 65.600 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
JELAJAHI DUNIA HEWAN DENGAN TEKNOLOGI 4D YANG KEREN! Mengapa beruang tidur saat musim dingin? Mengapa berang-berang membangun bendungan? Banyak sekali tingkah laku hewan yang membuat penasaran. Dengan teknologi Augmented Reality (AR), Ensiklopedia Dunia Hewan akan menjawab rasa ingin tahumu. Ayo tambah wawasanmu mengenai dunia hewan sambil bermain dengan hewan-hewan lucu! Unduh aplikasi gratis DEVAR di gawaimu, aktivasi bukunya, dan jadilah pahlawan dalam petualangan seru ini! ...
Soft Cover, Maret 2022 Rp. 70.000 Rp. 56.000 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
SELAMAT DATANG DI BUKU 4D JUNIOR! Mengapa kuda memakai ladam? Mengapa babi suka bermain di lumpur? Mengapa kuping kelinci panjang? Ini saatnya segala pertanyaanmu tentang hewan ternak dijawab! Dengan teknologi Augmented Reality (AR), hewan-hewan ini akan langsung menjelaskan tentang diri mereka. Tidak hanya itu, kau juga bisa bermain bersama mereka di peternakan. Jadi, tunggu apa lagi? Ayo temui mereka! Minta orangtuamu untuk mengunduh aplikasi gratis DEVAR, aktivasi bukunya, dan nikmati ...
Ensiklopedia 4d Junior: Kendaraan Keren oleh Devar Entertainment
Soft Cover, Maret 2022 Rp. 70.000 Rp. 56.000 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
SELAMAT DATANG DI BUKU 4D JUNIOR! Pernahkah kau melihat mobil pemadam kebakaran di jalan raya? Atau mobil polisi yang berpatroli di antara mobil-mobil yang berlalu-lalang? Mungkin kau juga pernah memperhatikan gedung yang sedang dibangun dan melihat derek menjulang tinggi di sampingnya. Tidakkah kau penasaran dengan kendaraan-kendaraan ini? Jika ya, maka ini buku yang tepat untukmu! Cukup menggunakan buku ini dan gawai, kau bisa bertualang bersama mereka dengan teknologi Augmented Reality. ...
Ensiklopedia 4D: Dinosaurus oleh Devar Entertainment
Soft Cover, Oktober 2019 Rp. 78.000 Rp. 62.400 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
KEPADA PENJELAJAH MASA DEPAN Dalam Ensiklopedia Dinosaurus berteknologi Augmented Reality (AR) ini, kau akan menemukan fakta-fakta menarik tentang dinosaurus. Selain itu, kau juga akan diajak melakukan ekspedisi untuk lebih mengenal dinosaurus! Aku yakin dengan membaca buku ini, kau akan menyukai dinosaurus dan bisa menjadi ilmuwan yang menemukan sesuatu yang luar biasa. Kau siap? Mari bertualang bersama dinosaurus! ...
Wow! Ensiklopedia 4D: Keajaiban Dunia oleh Devar Entertainment
Soft Cover, Januari 2021 Rp. 82.000 Rp. 65.600 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
JELAJAHI KEAJAIBAN DUNIA DENGAN TEKNOLOGI 4D YANG KEREN! Kunjungi bangunan-bangunan paling menakjubkan di dunia, dari Piramida Agung Giza dan Tembok Besar Cina hingga Koloseum dan Taj Mahal. Pelajari fakta-fakta menariknya sementara berbagai kejaiban dunia berlompatan dari halaman-halaman buku Ensiklopedia Keajaiban Dunia berkat teknologi Augmented Reality (AR). Ingat, yang kaubutuhkan hanya gawai dan buku ini! Unduh aplikasi gratis DEVAR di gawaimu, aktivasi bukunya, dan jadilah pahlawan ...
Wow! Ensiklopedia 4D: Rahasia Samudra oleh Devar Entertainment
Soft Cover, Januari 2021 Rp. 82.000 Rp. 65.600 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
JELAJAHI DASAR SAMUDRA DENGAN TEKNOLOGI 4D YANG KEREN! Apa kau penasaran dasar samudra seperti apa? Jangan khawatir, tidak perlu kapal selam untuk menjelajahi samudra-samudra misterius di dunia! Dengan teknologi Augmented Reality (AR), Ensiklopedia Rahasia Samudra akan membawamu bertemu makhluk-makhluk laut langka dan membuatmu berdecak kagum pada keindahan bawah laut. Jadi, tunggu apa lagi? Ayo selidiki keragaman samudra-samudra dunia! Unduh aplikasi gratis DEVAR di gawaimu, aktivasi ...
Soft Cover, Maret 2022 Rp. 70.000 Rp. 56.000 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
SELAMAT DATANG DI BUKU 4D JUNIOR! Tahukah kau ada berapa planet yang ada di galaksi kita? Apa kau tahu apa itu galaksi? Jika belum, ayo jelajahi antariksa yang sangat luas ini dan temukan rahasia menakjubkan planet, satelit, bintang, dan benda-benda antariksa lain. Dengan teknologi Augmented Reality (AR) di buku ini, kau dapat mengamati isi antariksa dari dekat. Dengarkan juga lagu-lagu yang dapat kautemukan di aplikasinya, ya! Minta orangtuamu untuk mengunduh aplikasi gratis DEVAR, aktivasi ...
Ensiklopedia 4d Junior: Tubuh Kita oleh Devar Entertainment
Soft Cover, Maret 2022 Rp. 70.000 Rp. 56.000 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
SELAMAT DATANG DI BUKU 4D JUNIOR! Tahukah kau? Manusia dapat melakukan berbagai aktivitas karena semua organ tubuh bekerja sesuai fungsi masing-masing. Kau bisa berjalan karena ditopang tulang dan otot yang kuat. Jantungmu juga tidak pernah lelah bekerja memompa darah. Tubuh manusia merupakan misteri besar, tapi kau tetap dapat mempelajarinya dengan mudah melalui buku yang dilengkapi Augmented Reality ini. Minta orangtuamu untuk mengunduh aplikasi gratis DEVAR, aktivasi bukunya, dan kenali ...
Fantasteen: Charlie Is Back! oleh Devar Entertainment
Soft Cover, Januari 2019
Stock tidak tersedia
SELAMAT DATANG DI BUKU 4D JUNIOR! Virus-virus nakal mengintai manusia! Mikroorganisme berbahaya seperti virus Corona siap menyerangmu jika imun tubuhmu lemah. Omong-omong, virus-virus ini tidak sabar untuk pamer dan bercerita tentang diri mereka. Meski tidak dapat dilihat tanpa bantuan mikroskop canggih, kau tetap bisa mempelajari karakteristik dan aktivitas mereka melalui teknologi Augmented Reality di buku ini. Minta orangtuamu untuk mengunduh aplikasi gratis DEVAR, aktivitasi bukunya, dan ...
Ensiklopedia 4D: Dunia Bawah Laut oleh Devar Entertainment
Soft Cover, Oktober 2019 Rp. 79.000 Rp. 63.200 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
KEPADA PENJELAJAH MASA DEPAN Ensiklopedia Dunia Bawah Laut dengan teknologi Augmented Reality (AR) ini menawarkan perjalanan interaktif ke kedalaman laut. Mari saksikan dunia bawah laut yang misterius dengan matamu sendiri. Amati hewan-hewan yang hidup di kedalaman 300, 500, bahkan 10.000 meter. Ayo menjelajah di antara reruntuhan kapal karam bagaikan pemburu harta karun. Dan jangan sampai tertangkap pemangsa besar ya! Kau siap? Mari menyelam bersama! ...
Soft Cover, Agustus 2017 Rp. 280.000 Rp. 224.000 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
In the age of mobile devices, information technology and interactive entertainment, traditional books are losing their value in the eyes of modern readers. DEVAR Books has taken the next step by bringing the magic back into the printed books. Augmented reality coloring books combine traditional reading with the interactivity of modern world! Devar Books has developed their own Augmented Reality platform to give users the best AR experience they could possibly have. These amazing books allow ...
Soft Cover, Agustus 2017
Stock tidak tersedia
In the age of mobile devices, information technology and interactive entertainment, traditional books are losing their value in the eyes of modern readers. DEVAR Books has taken the next step by bringing the magic back into the printed books. Augmented reality coloring books combine traditional reading with the interactivity of modern world! Devar Books has developed their own Augmented Reality platform to give users the best AR experience they could possibly have. These amazing books allow ...
Soft Cover, Agustus 2017 Rp. 280.000 Rp. 224.000 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
In the age of mobile devices, information technology and interactive entertainment, traditional books are losing their value in the eyes of modern readers. DEVAR Books has taken the next step by bringing the magic back into the printed books. Augmented reality coloring books combine traditional reading with the interactivity of modern world! Devar Books has developed their own Augmented Reality platform to give users the best AR experience they could possibly have. These amazing books allow ...
Soft Cover, Agustus 2017 Rp. 280.000 Rp. 224.000 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
In the age of mobile devices, information technology and interactive entertainment, traditional books are losing their value in the eyes of modern readers. DEVAR Books has taken the next step by bringing the magic back into the printed books. Augmented reality coloring books combine traditional reading with the interactivity of modern world! Devar Books has developed their own Augmented Reality platform to give users the best AR experience they could possibly have. These amazing books allow ...
Soft Cover, Agustus 2017
Stock tidak tersedia
In the age of mobile devices, information technology and interactive entertainment, traditional books are losing their value in the eyes of modern readers. DEVAR Books has taken the next step by bringing the magic back into the printed books. Augmented reality coloring books combine traditional reading with the interactivity of modern world! Devar Books has developed their own Augmented Reality platform to give users the best AR experience they could possibly have. These amazing books allow ...
Soft Cover, Agustus 2017 Rp. 280.000 Rp. 224.000 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
In the age of mobile devices, information technology and interactive entertainment, traditional books are losing their value in the eyes of modern readers. DEVAR Books has taken the next step by bringing the magic back into the printed books. Augmented reality coloring books combine traditional reading with the interactivity of modern world! Devar Books has developed their own Augmented Reality platform to give users the best AR experience they could possibly have. These amazing books allow ...
Soft Cover, Agustus 2017 Rp. 280.000 Rp. 224.000 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
In the age of mobile devices, information technology and interactive entertainment, traditional books are losing their value in the eyes of modern readers. DEVAR Books has taken the next step by bringing the magic back into the printed books. Augmented reality coloring books combine traditional reading with the interactivity of modern world! Devar Books has developed their own Augmented Reality platform to give users the best AR experience they could possibly have. These amazing books allow ...
Soft Cover, Agustus 2017 Rp. 280.000 Rp. 224.000 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
In the age of mobile devices, information technology and interactive entertainment, traditional books are losing their value in the eyes of modern readers. DEVAR Books has taken the next step by bringing the magic back into the printed books. Augmented reality coloring books combine traditional reading with the interactivity of modern world! Devar Books has developed their own Augmented Reality platform to give users the best AR experience they could possibly have. These amazing books allow ...
Soft Cover, Agustus 2017 Rp. 280.000 Rp. 224.000 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
In the age of mobile devices, information technology and interactive entertainment, traditional books are losing their value in the eyes of modern readers. DEVAR Books has taken the next step by bringing the magic back into the printed books. Augmented reality coloring books combine traditional reading with the interactivity of modern world! Devar Books has developed their own Augmented Reality platform to give users the best AR experience they could possibly have. These amazing books allow ...
Soft Cover, Agustus 2017 Rp. 280.000 Rp. 224.000 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
In the age of mobile devices, information technology and interactive entertainment, traditional books are losing their value in the eyes of modern readers. DEVAR Books has taken the next step by bringing the magic back into the printed books. Augmented reality coloring books combine traditional reading with the interactivity of modern world! Devar Books has developed their own Augmented Reality platform to give users the best AR experience they could possibly have. These amazing books allow ...