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Days of Happiness (Soft Cover)
oleh Donny Andrian

Harga Resmi : Rp. 54.000
Harga : Rp. 45.900 (15% OFF)

Ketersediaan : Stock di Gudang Supplier

Format : Soft Cover
ISBN : 6027144599
ISBN13 : 9786027144590
Tanggal Terbit : Juni 2015
Bahasa : Indonesia
Penerbit : Lintas Kata


Is it money, girlfriend/boyfriend, branded things, or cars that make you happy? Is there any formula for a good life, for being happy?  I don't think so. But, YES they're make us happy but in different way.
How do you feel about helping others?

Which behavior makes you happier, seeking pleasure or doing good?

Doing good makes you feel good.

People are happiest when things go better than expected, such as when dinner date with someone. But what if your life hasn't turned out like you thought it would? Hmm, apakah kamu mau menyerah untuk nggak merasa bahagia? Bahagia itu kita sendiri yang atur, mirip volume suara di HP, kita sendiri yang menaikkan dan menurunkan. Seperti puzzle yang berantakan, kita yang harus merapikan sendiri puzzle tersebut supaya menjadi gambar yang terlihat jelas.

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