Stok Tidak Tersedia
Tambah ke Daftar Keinginan
Business English (Soft Cover)
oleh Rita Johan

Ketersediaan : Stock tidak tersedia

Format : Soft Cover
ISBN : 6022515106
ISBN13 : 9786022515104
Tanggal Terbit : 28 April 2014
Bahasa : English
Penerbit : Grasindo

Communication in business is certainly part of the success in achieving the ultimate target of the companies. It is necessary that the employees improve their communication skills in the English language in particular for efficiency and profitability.

For educational purposes, this book was written and published mainly to give guidance and advice, provide points to ponder in their peers, clients, competitors that they are expected to win tight competition in business nowadays. If they are able to improve their communication styles, they are able to change views and corporate environment for their upmost achievement.

This book is provided with variety of actual samples of incorrect/correct grammatical sentences, phrases, right spellings, use of articles, cultures, tips of improving the English skills so that employees can display a favorable impression on a potential employer.

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