Stok Tidak Tersedia
Tambah ke Daftar Keinginan
5W1H Kisah Dian Sastrowardoyo dan Onlinepreneur Lainnya (Soft Cover)
oleh Yoris Sebastian

Ketersediaan : Stock tidak tersedia

Format : Soft Cover
ISBN13 : 9786020324838
Tanggal Terbit : 4 Januari 2016
Bahasa : Indonesia
Penerbit : Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Halaman : 140
Dimensi : 110 mm x 180 mm

Rahasia sukses memulai bisnis pribadi sebenarnya ada dalam diri kita sendiri. Terkadang kita terjebak hanya mencari ide bisnis berdasarkan trend, padahal mereka yang sukses tidak seperti itu. Dalam buku ini pembaca akan dibantu oleh Yoris Sebastian mengenal diri sendiri melalui pertanyaan 5W1H, sebelum memilih bisnis yang akan digeluti. Rumus ini berbeda dengan 5W1H yang biasa digunakan oleh wartawan. Ilmunya sudah digunakan Yoris di berbagai workshop seputar Creative Entrepreneur selama 8 tahun terakhir. Yoris mengajak 5 onlinepreneur kreatif di Indonesia yaitu Dian Sastrowardoyo (3 Skinny Minnies), Carline Darjanto & Ria Sarwono (Cotton Ink), Agnes Tandia (Kulkith), Fahma Mahardini (Wi-Ka Souvenir Flanel), dan Wahyu Aditya (KDRI) untuk membeberkan jurus sukses bisnis online mereka dari kacamata 5W1H. When you want to start your own business, stop making excuses! All you have to work with is the things you have now. Know yourself, nd your ‘thing’ and exploit it.

Kategori dan Rangking Bestseller:

Tentang Yoris Sebastian:
Winner of the 2006 International Young Creative Entrepreneur of the Year – Music Award in the UK held by British Council. “Project Goliath” is his new digital music venture in partnership with the UK music industry.
He became the youngest General Manager in Hard Rock Café Asia Pacific (The second in the world) at the age of 26. He is the creator of Hard Rock Café Jakarta successful “I Like Monday” where he won several awards for this, including Indonesian Young Marketers Awards in 2003 from IMA, Markplus and SWA Magazine.
Founder of IP Entertainment in year 2000, to pioneer artist management plus entertainer training class and also set the high standard of event organizing. In 2004 and 2005, the company was selected to become the exclusive artist management for Indonesian Idol winners by 19 entertainment UK.
Creatively, co-founded Broadcast Bar (BC Bar) in year 2000, the first bar in Indonesia that open only 2 nights a week but profitable. Now the bar was closed and became the legendary story of bar history in Jakarta.
In 2001, co-founded MTV Trax magazine. Received MURI (Indonesian Museum of Record) in 2003 for the sensational event “Destination Nowhere”for a traveling event where all the ...

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Rp. 130.000
Rp. 104.000
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