Lipi Press

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2008 Rp. 55.000 Rp. 44.000 (20% OFF)
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Jurnal Penelitian Politik Vol.4 No.1 2007
Demokrasi Mati Suri
oleh LIPI Press
2007 Rp. 50.000 Rp. 40.000 (20% OFF)
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2006 Rp. 40.000 Rp. 32.000 (20% OFF)
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Soft Cover, 2006 Rp. 45.000 Rp. 36.000 (20% OFF)
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Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was employed to elucidate of mesophilic (35°C) and thermophilic (55°C) syntrophic substrate oxidizing anaerobes, individually. The whole microbe cell was visualized in a wet amount of each enrichment culture with substrate of benzoate, ethanol and propionate, separately. Targeted cells, which determined previously by 16S rRNA-cloning analysis as the dominant microbe, were hybridized in situ by employing the specific 16S rRNA-tergeted oligonucleotide ...
Soft Cover, 2006 Rp. 45.000 Rp. 36.000 (20% OFF)
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Telah dilakukan pembuatan keramik timbal zirkonat titanat (PZT) melalui proses sinter dengan cara enkapsulasi atau tertutup pada berbagai variasi suhu dan waktu penahanan. Bahan penutup diperoleh dari reaksi zirconium oxide cloride octahidrate (ZrO.Cl2.8H2O) dan timbal asetat (CH3COO)2 Pb.3H2O yang dikalsinasi pada suhu 850oC, 4 jam dan menghasilkan serbuk PbZrO3. Untuk mengetahui waktu pembakaran yang tepat telah dilakukan analisa termal (DTA) dari serbuk PZT tersebut. Benda uji dibuat ...
Soft Cover, 2006 Rp. 35.000 Rp. 28.000 (20% OFF)
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A formulation approach to quantify the abundance of coral genera is considered important to obtain basic information necessary in determining the potency and condition of coral, and one application can also be used to set quota for coral trade. The line intercept method has been used in five different area throughout Indonesian archipelago representing prestine area to heavy disturbances. Based on the number of occurance, the genera dominance, the size of colony and the coral coverage in ...
Soft Cover, 2005
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Soft Cover Rp. 55.000 Rp. 44.000 (20% OFF)
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Peristiwa sejarah yang penting, bahkan perubahan revolusioner di negara-negara di Asia-Pasifik yang dialami selama abad ke-20 yang menggemparkan menjadi alasan untuk menggambar-kannya dengan mengadakan Konferensi International Asso-ciation of Historians of Asia (IAHA) yang diadakan di Jakarta, akhir Agustus 1998. ...