Rain Chudori

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Imaginary City Graphic Novel oleh Rain Chudori
Soft Cover, April 2022
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The most beautiful thing you can do for a person is to remember them. In the midst of a party, a restless young woman revisits the city where she came from, and encounters a man that she has known for years. The pair falls into an inevitable affair that binds them within the map of the city. Based on the celebrated novella by Rain Chudori, Imaginary City is now rereleased as a graphic novel in collaboration with illustrator, Jame Kristanto. Imaginary City is an exploration of love, loss, and ...
Biru dan Kisah-kisah Lainnya oleh Rain Chudori
Soft Cover, Oktober 2018
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"Bagaikan awan, aku bergerak perlahan tanpa tahu arah. Kami mendengar pelbagai pesawat yang terbang di atas sana, bermanuver menuju langit, lantas menembus awan. Ketika malam tiba, aku hanya bisa melihat lampu yang berkedip dan yang bisa kubayangkan hanyalah mimpui mereka yang perlahan-lahan berkembang." ...
Compassion oleh Rain Chudori
Soft Cover, Agustus 2018
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Compassion is a seasonal anthology created by Comma Books that works in-joint with various local nonprofit organizations. In the first volume of Compassion, we have collaborated with Lingkar, a youth initiative movement that focuses on youth mental health awareness. We have gathered fourteen writers to explore the concept of home – what it means, where it dwells, and how it formed them. ...
Monsoon Tiger oleh Rain Chudori
Soft Cover, Desember 2015
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Set in nowhere, Monsoon Tiger and Other Stories tells the tale of loneliness and love." “ There is no doubt as to the depth and breadth of Rain Chudori’s literary gift. Not only does she have a near for the music of language, but she also writes with the nimbleness, maturity and emotional acuity of some one way beyond her years. Packed with wit , irony and wisdom, her stories simply glitter.” – Laksmi Pamuntjak ...
Serdadu Kumbang
Dwibahasa (Indonesia dan Inggris), 8 halaman fullcolor
oleh Rain Chudori & Soerjoatmodjo
Soft Cover, 2011
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Amek adalah salah seorang murid SDN 08 yang tidak lulus ujian tahun sebelumnya. Sebenarnya Amek adalah anak yang baik, namun sifatnya yang tertutup, keras hati, dan cenderung jahil, membuatnya sering dihukum oleh guru-gurunya. Sebaliknya Minun, kakaknya, duduk di bangku SMP dan selalu juara kelas. Ia sering menjuarai lomba matematika sekabupaten. Sederet piala dan sertifikat berjajar di ruang tamu mereka. Minun menjadi anak kebanggaan keluarga, sekolah, dan masyarakat. Minun dan Amek tinggal ...