Anand Krishna

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Soft Cover, Agustus 2015
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“ e most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.” -Albert Einstein- Life is a Mystery, and we human beings are as mysterious as this very existence is. As such, any attempt to demystify life or existence is bound to fail. It must fail.  ...
Soft Cover, Januari 2003
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Are we alive, or merely living? Being alive is very dynamic. It means that we are evolving all the time. Living, on the order hand, can be static. One can go on living without ever evolving!We are living, yes... no doubt! Sadly, however, most of humanity lives in such a way that is so unconscious, and so mechanical. Far too many of us live a routine life that will someday come to an abrupt end, and the... that's it!This book is an invitation to live "fully", to experience life in its ...
Live Yoga oleh Anand Krishna
Soft Cover, April 2015
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“Given the basic thrust of Yoga as practice, not belief, it has served as a bridge between cultures and diverse religious forms for millennia. By emphasizing spiritual practice and remaining mute on disputations of theological issues, Yoga has emerged through the centuries not only with eff ective methods for spiritual practice but also with an adaptability that accords well in multicultural contexts.” - Christopher Key Chapple, Author & Yoga Practitioner “Anand Ashram ...
One Earth, One Sky, One Humankind
Celebration of Unity in Diversity
oleh Anand Krishna
Soft Cover, November 2009
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The present book is a valuable addition to the subject of religion, having been researched and written in a strictly scientific manner. The author has compiled authentic quotations directly from religious books and has left it to the reader himself to understand the crux of religion. ---Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, Founder Centre for Peace and Spirituality, New Delhi (India) The word Tolerance should be banned from the English dictionary. In this day and age, we cannot teach our Children to ...
Soft Cover, Januari 2003
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An enlightened master was once asked, "Who are you? Are you an angel, a god, or what?" The master replied with a meaningful smile, "I am awake!"Indeed, an enlightened being never claims anything other than just that, and with such profound simplicity! And, this book is an honest account of the writer's journey to such an awekening... of the agony, and the ecstasy, that a soul experiences on its way to enlightenment. The writer also gives the reader numerous useful tips, including a complete ...
The Hanuman Factor
Life Lessons from the Most Successful Spiritual CEO
oleh Anand Krishna
Soft Cover, Januari 2010
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"Motivational speakers weaken our soul and kill the spirit it takes to face the challenges of life. We begin to believe in outside factors to motivate us and depend on borrowed knowledge. This book is not about such external motivation, but about tapping the source of all wisdom and all strength within you. This source is enough to self-motivate you to undertake any task, no matter how difficult, and how challenging. For, this source drives its strength from the Limitless ...
The Kaligis Success Factor (Edisi Bahasa Inggris)
Lessons from a Rare "Man of Law"
oleh Anand Krishna
Soft Cover, Oktober 2013
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Otto Cornelis Kaligis, a man whom Anand Krishna calls "the law icon", is appreciative to Anand's effort in writing this impressive work, which is based on O.C. Kaligis' life-story, A Man with Million Surprises. It is Kaligis' success as a man of spirit and his honorable personality that deeply impressed Anand and urged him to sublimate Kaligis' views and ideals in his writing and to share them here with us. O.C. Kaligis' is a voice in the wilderness. Amidst the ...
The Wisdom of Bali oleh Anand Krishna
Hard Cover, Oktober 2010
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World class tourism destination Bali is well-known for her natural beauty and exotic culture. But within beautiful Bali hides another type of 'beauty': the pearls of wisdom to heed and practice. Bali's indigenous wisdom is laden with philosophical and universal values and is also very relevant for addressing the global problems modern people face daily. These pearls of wisdom were born out of a thoughtful civilization that champions the simplicity of mind and respect of nature, integrating ...
Soft Cover, September 2012
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Anand's analysis will no only interest the academia, particularly the historians, but also the lay people passionate about the subject. In fact, he does not stop at that. It is not only the histories and misteries of the ancient Sundaland that he shares through the pages of this book, but also its age old wisdom that is still relevant, and which, as the inheritors of that ancient heritage, we all should be proud of. — Drs. Soedarmono, SU; History Lecturer of Sebelas Maret University ...