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Hasil: 21 - 37 dari 37
Soft Cover, Agustus 2017 Rp. 351.000 Rp. 280.800 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
In the age of mobile devices, information technology and interactive entertainment, traditional books are losing their value in the eyes of modern readers. DEVAR Books has taken the next step by bringing the magic back into the printed books. Augmented reality coloring books combine traditional reading with the interactivity of modern world! Devar Books has developed their own Augmented Reality platform to give users the best AR experience they could possibly have. These amazing books allow ...
Soft Cover Rp. 280.000 Rp. 224.000 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
In the age of mobile devices, information technology and interactive entertainment, traditional books are losing their value in the eyes of modern readers. DEVAR Books has taken the next step by bringing the magic back into the printed books. Augmented reality coloring books combine traditional reading with the interactivity of modern world! Devar Books has developed their own Augmented Reality platform to give users the best AR experience they could possibly have. These amazing books allow ...
Soft Cover, Agustus 2017 Rp. 280.000 Rp. 224.000 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
In the age of mobile devices, information technology and interactive entertainment, traditional books are losing their value in the eyes of modern readers. DEVAR Books has taken the next step by bringing the magic back into the printed books. Augmented reality coloring books combine traditional reading with the interactivity of modern world! Devar Books has developed their own Augmented Reality platform to give users the best AR experience they could possibly have. These amazing books allow ...
Soft Cover, Agustus 2017 Rp. 280.000 Rp. 224.000 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
In the age of mobile devices, information technology and interactive entertainment, traditional books are losing their value in the eyes of modern readers. DEVAR Books has taken the next step by bringing the magic back into the printed books. Augmented reality coloring books combine traditional reading with the interactivity of modern world! Devar Books has developed their own Augmented Reality platform to give users the best AR experience they could possibly have. These amazing books allow ...
Soft Cover, Agustus 2017 Rp. 280.000 Rp. 224.000 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
In the age of mobile devices, information technology and interactive entertainment, traditional books are losing their value in the eyes of modern readers. DEVAR Books has taken the next step by bringing the magic back into the printed books. Augmented reality coloring books combine traditional reading with the interactivity of modern world! Devar Books has developed their own Augmented Reality platform to give users the best AR experience they could possibly have. These amazing books allow ...
Soft Cover, Agustus 2017 Rp. 280.000 Rp. 224.000 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
In the age of mobile devices, information technology and interactive entertainment, traditional books are losing their value in the eyes of modern readers. DEVAR Books has taken the next step by bringing the magic back into the printed books. Augmented reality coloring books combine traditional reading with the interactivity of modern world! Devar Books has developed their own Augmented Reality platform to give users the best AR experience they could possibly have. These amazing books allow ...
Soft Cover, Agustus 2017 Rp. 280.000 Rp. 224.000 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
In the age of mobile devices, information technology and interactive entertainment, traditional books are losing their value in the eyes of modern readers. DEVAR Books has taken the next step by bringing the magic back into the printed books. Augmented reality coloring books combine traditional reading with the interactivity of modern world! Devar Books has developed their own Augmented Reality platform to give users the best AR experience they could possibly have. These amazing books allow ...
Soft Cover, Agustus 2017 Rp. 280.000 Rp. 224.000 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
In the age of mobile devices, information technology and interactive entertainment, traditional books are losing their value in the eyes of modern readers. DEVAR Books has taken the next step by bringing the magic back into the printed books. Augmented reality coloring books combine traditional reading with the interactivity of modern world! Devar Books has developed their own Augmented Reality platform to give users the best AR experience they could possibly have. These amazing books allow ...
Soft Cover, Agustus 2017 Rp. 280.000 Rp. 224.000 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
In the age of mobile devices, information technology and interactive entertainment, traditional books are losing their value in the eyes of modern readers. DEVAR Books has taken the next step by bringing the magic back into the printed books. Augmented reality coloring books combine traditional reading with the interactivity of modern world! Devar Books has developed their own Augmented Reality platform to give users the best AR experience they could possibly have. These amazing books allow ...
Soft Cover, Agustus 2017 Rp. 280.000 Rp. 224.000 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
In the age of mobile devices, information technology and interactive entertainment, traditional books are losing their value in the eyes of modern readers. DEVAR Books has taken the next step by bringing the magic back into the printed books. Augmented reality coloring books combine traditional reading with the interactivity of modern world! Devar Books has developed their own Augmented Reality platform to give users the best AR experience they could possibly have. These amazing books allow ...
Ensiklopedia 4D : Wow! Dunia Serangga oleh Devar Entertainment LLC
Soft Cover, Januari 2023 Rp. 82.000 Rp. 65.600 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
Ensiklopedia merupakan buku yang berisi mengenai keterangan tentang semua cabang pengetahuan, ilmu, dan teknologi, atau yang merangkum secara luas dan menyeluruh. Buku yang berjudul Ensiklopedia 4D : Wow! Dunia Serangga dibuat dengan isi yang penuh gambar dan warna di setiap halamannya sehingga dapat menarik minat anak dalam membacanya. Selain itu banyak sekali manfaat bagi anak dalam membaca ensiklopedia, dimana diantaranya dapat menambah wawasan dalam pengetahuan, mengetahui suatu hal secara ...
Ensiklopedia 4D : Wow! Dunia Tumbuhan oleh Devar Entertainment LLC
Soft Cover, Januari 2023 Rp. 82.000 Rp. 65.600 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
Ensiklopedia merupakan buku yang berisi mengenai keterangan tentang semua cabang pengetahuan, ilmu, dan teknologi, atau yang merangkum secara luas dan menyeluruh. Buku yang berjudul Ensiklopedia 4D : Wow! Dunia Serangga dibuat dengan isi yang penuh gambar dan warna di setiap halamannya sehingga dapat menarik minat anak dalam membacanya. Selain itu banyak sekali manfaat bagi anak dalam membaca ensiklopedia, dimana diantaranya dapat menambah wawasan dalam pengetahuan, mengetahui suatu hal secara ...
Ensiklopedia 4d Junior: Dunia Dino oleh Devar Entertainment
Soft Cover, Maret 2022 Rp. 70.000 Rp. 56.000 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
SELAMAT DATANG DI BUKU 4D JUNIOR! Hewan apa yang bertubuh sangat besar, makan daging atau tumbuhan, dan hidup pada zaman dulu? Namanya dinosaurus. Hewan-hewan ini memang tampak seram, tapi mereka tak sabar menceritakan kebiasaan-kebiasaan aneh mereka. Meski sudah hilang dari muka Bumi, teknologi Augmented Reality dapat membawa mereka kembali ke hadapanmu, bahkan kau bisa bermain dengan mereka! Minta orangtuamu untuk mengunduh aplikasi gratis DEVAR, aktivasi bukunya, dan nikmati serunya bermain ...
Ensiklopedia 4D: Antariksa oleh Devar Entertainment
Soft Cover, Oktober 2019
Stock tidak tersedia
Pernahkah-kau melihat ke langit malam dan bertanya-tanya ada berapa bintang di luar angkasa? Dengan teknologi Augmented Reality (AR), Space .cience•Kit 4D ini akan mengajakmu menempuh perjalanan interaktif ke luar a.ngkasa. Kunjungi planet-planet di galaksi Bima Sakti, saksikan lubang, hitam terbentuk, terbanglah di antara ratusan ribu asteroid, lalu jelajahi galaksi yang lebih jauh lagi. Apa kau siap? Kencangkan sabuk pengamanmu karena perjalanan antariksa akan segera dimulai! Pelajari ...
Ensiklopedia 4D: Dunia Mikro oleh Devar Entertainment
Soft Cover, Oktober 2019 Rp. 78.000 Rp. 62.400 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
Ensiklopedia 4D: Dunia Mikro KEPADA PENJELAJAH MASA DEPAN Ensiklopedia Dunia Bawah Laut dengan teknologi Augmented Reality (AR) ini menawarkan perjalanan interaktif ke kedalaman laut. Mari saksikan dunia bawah laut yang misterius dengan matamu sendiri. Amati hewan-hewan yang hidup di kedalaman 300, 500, bahkan 10.000 meter. Ayo menjelajah di antara reruntuhan kapal karam bagaikan pemburu harta karun. Dan jangan sampai tertangkap pemangsa besar ya! Kau siap? Mari menyelam bersama! ...
Ensiklopedia 4D: Tubuh Manusia oleh Devar Entertainment
Soft Cover, April 2020 Rp. 82.000 Rp. 65.600 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
KEPADA PENJELAJAH MASA DEPAN Apakah kau bercita-cita menjadi dokter? Kalau ya, kau bisa belajar anatomi tubuh manusia sejak sekarang, lho. Tubuh manusia merupakan struktur yang sangat rumit. Bayangkan, organ, tulang, saraf, pembuluh darah, dan banyak elemen lainnya terhubung dan saling mendukung fungsi masing-masing. Namun serumit apa pun, kau tetap dapat mempelajarinya dengan mudah. Yang kauperlukan hanya gawaimu karena buku ini dilengkapi teknologi augmented reality yang membuat belajar jadi ...
Wow! Ensiklopedia 4D: Dinosaurus oleh Devar Entertainment
Soft Cover, Januari 2021 Rp. 82.000 Rp. 65.600 (20% OFF)
Stock di Gudang Supplier
TEMUI DINOSAURUS YANG SUDAH PUNAH DENGAN TEKNOLOGI 4D! Ingin sekali deh bertemu dinosaurus… Tapi bagaimana ya caranya…? Dinosaurus kan sudah punah… Hei, jangan bersedih! Dengan teknologi Augmented Reality (AR), Ensiklopedia Dinosaurus menghidupkan kembali hewan punah ini! Tunggu apa lagi? Ayo temui reptil yang dulu menguasai Bumi! Kau akan menyaksikan perilaku dan karakteristik banyak sekali dinosaurus sementara mereka mengaum atau berlarian di depan mata! Unduh aplikasi gratis ...