Dewanto Nugroho

Soft Cover (1)

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200 Ide Gila Menulis Buku oleh Dewanto Nugroho
Soft Cover
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Dewanto Nugroho memberikan ide kreatif, gila, tapi masuk akal lewat buku ini. Dua ratus idenya yang asyik benar-benar membuat kita sadar bahwa sebenarnya, tidak perlu berpikir jauh-jauh untuk mencari ide buku. Tak perlu mengkhayal tinggi-tinggi  demi membuat ide segar yang belum ditemukan orang. Ide itu ada di mana-mana, di sekitar kita. Misalnya: - Aneka bentuk gedung pencakar langit di Jakarta - Kata-kata salah di sekitar kita - Aneka resep mi instan - KUmpulan surat pembaca di ...
April 2017
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FIFTY years after his death, Sekarmadji Maridjan Kartosoewirjo continues to inspire groups who dream of an ‘Islamic State’ in this country—both by peaceful and violent means. Ironically, the Kartosoewirjo family was classified as gentry, feudal and not a strict follower of Islam. His youth was not spent in religious education but in colonial Dutch schools. ...
April 2017
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Sutan Sjahrir was one of the seven Fathers of Indonesian Revolution. He urged Sukarno and Hatta to declare Indonesian independence although he himself was not present on the big day. He chose an elegant way to drive the Dutch out of Indonesia, a way which was opposed by the other Fathers of Indonesian Revolution. His anti-fascist, anti-military ideology was criticized ...